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 ... I'm very pleased to say that ...

... after the turmoil experienced in 2024, this year is starting off more positively.  Being faced with finding a new publisher last year was very daunting.  I rarely, if ever, walk away from a challenge, no matter how difficult it may seem at the outset.  As a result, I have signed a contract with Northodox Press.  The company describes itself as 'an independent publisher established in 2020, based in Sheffield and Manchester.'  Their stated mission is 'to elevate northern voices and represent the diversity of writing from Northern England.'  As a Yorkshire lass, born and bred, there was no way I could walk away from that once the opportunity arose!  I am overwhelmed that Northodox think my cosy little mysteries are worth their investment.  I am also looking forward to what I hope will be a long and fruitful working association.


In practical terms, all of this means that my Jacques Forêt stories will be republished over the coming weeks and months. I will, of course, update readers about the publishing schedule once it is finalised.  A new contract also means that the seventh book, Meyrueis, will be published later this year, and the following books now have a publishing home as well.  I can not begin to describe the sense of relief that I feel knowing that Jacques, his son, his colleagues and the villagers of Messandrierre are in the safe hands of Northodox Press.  For me, there could not have been a more fitting start to 2025.


    ... Northodox Press website is Here


  ... more about Meyrueis in my April Author Challenge

Coming soon ...

... some important dates for your diaries ...

July 12th.  I will be at the Newark Book Festival on Saturday, July 12th, this year.  More details coming up on the blog in May and June. I will have all of my books with me, so if you want to drop by and say hello, that would be great.

                   More details on the blog in May/June

October 11th.  The Craft Fair in the beautiful village of Kirk Smeaton returns on October 11th this year.  I hope you will be able to join me for a bit of early present-buying or just for a chat about books and writing. 

                                                                            More details on the blog in September

October 17th. Sedburgh Crime Festival is returning this year, and I'm very pleased to say that I will be taking part in a panel about crime in faraway places.

                                                                            More details on the blog in September

 October 25th  I will be one of the Authors at the Armouries Museum, Leeds - a massive two-day book event.  Tickets for the event are already on sale - see below

                                                                            AATA Oct '25 Tickets

James et Moi

On my blog you'll find interviews with other authors, discussions about books, and life in other countries.
There are articles about my books, the settings and the places I use as backdrops for the action in my stories.
And, from time to time, you will be able to meet the fictional James and his sister and follow their trials and tribulations as they travel through France.

Click the link to see what's happening.

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