... some important dates for your diaries ...
July 12th. I will be at the Newark Book Festival on Saturday, July 12th, this year. More details coming up on the blog in May and June. I will have all of my books with me, so if you want to drop by and say hello, that would be great.
More details on the blog in May/June
October 11th. The Craft Fair in the beautiful village of Kirk Smeaton returns on October 11th this year. I hope you will be able to join me for a bit of early present-buying or just for a chat about books and writing.
More details on the blog in September
October 17th. Sedburgh Crime Festival is returning this year, and I'm very pleased to say that I will be taking part in a panel about crime in faraway places.
More details on the blog in September
October 25th I will be one of the Authors at the Armouries Museum, Leeds - a massive two-day book event. Tickets for the event are already on sale - see below
AATA Oct '25 Tickets